Scholarships For You

AESOP Scholarship for South African and European Students, 2017

The AESOP (A European and South African Partnership on Heritage and) + multidisciplinary and  Erasmus Mundus consortium coordinated by the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3 (France) and that the University of those Western Cape (South Africa) are coordinating AESOP Scholarship for South African and European Students. These scholarships are offered to pursue master, doctorate, Post Accreditation programme.

The goal of these scholarships is to reinforce ties between South African and European candidates.

(b)The AESOP Consortium will deal with the partnership and will arrange 150 mobilities (109 South African applicants and 41 European applicants at Master, Doctorate and Staff).)

Course Level:-LRB-****) These scholarships are offered to pursue master, doctoral and Postdoctoral programme.

Study Subject:  These scholarships are awarded in the following fields:-LRB-**)

Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers the following aspects:-LRB-**)

More specifically:-LRB-**)

Subsistence allowance:-LRB-**)

 Numbers of Scholarships:-LRB-****) Total ninety-five scholarships are available.

Scholarship can be taken in South Africa and Europe

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:-LRB-**)

South African students

European students

Nationality:-LRB-****) South African and European applicants are eligible for these scholarships.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement:  Applicants must have previous year degree

English Language Requirement:  Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries

International Scholarship

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Online application

Application Deadline:-LRB-****) The application deadline is August 30, 2017.

Scholarship Link

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