Scholarships For You

Penn GSE UNESCO Fellowships for Developing Country Students in USA

Do you wish to study in the United States? If yes, use for the UNESCO Fellowshipsin M.S.Ed International Educational Development program at the University of Pennsylvania.

The program intends to draw in global students who wish to pursue a fellowship program at the Penn GSE.


Amazing chance for global students used by the Penn GSE.

Established as the College of Philadelphia in 1740, the University of Pennsylvania is a personal Ivy League research study university in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania It has 4 undergraduate schools along with twelve graduate and expert schools. It is the fourth-oldest organization of college in the United States.

Why select the University of Pennsylvania? Penn uses a standard school and a busy city, a location abundant with history however concentrated on development, and, a huge individual draw, theQuad Students and professors delight in an Ivy League environment at Penn GSE that supports useful understanding structure and top quality research study. Their alumni are acknowledged as a few of the world’s most prominent education leaders, and our prominent teachers are pacesetters in their fields. Penn GSE has a tradition of development in education, and our comprehensive work is all targeted at powering chances through education.

ApplicationDeadline: The due date for applications is February 1, 2022.



How to Apply


TheUniversity of Pennsylvania will cover all Penn tuition connected with the master’s degree program of research study.

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