Scholarships For You

Short- term Fellowships for Central Asian Students in France

TheFondation Maison des sciences de l’homme and the InstitutFran çais d’Etudes sur l’AsieCentrale are offering the Short- term Fellowships in France for postdoc scientists from Central Asia.

This research study stay is created to allow scientists to perform research study studies in France field queries, library, and archives work.

Foundedin 1963 by Fernand Braudel in Paris, the Foundation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) supports research study and understanding dissemination in social sciences and liberal arts.

Why research study at Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme? Recognized as promoting the general public interest, the Foundation promotes ingenious research study, motivates interdisciplinary discussion, and promotes the blood circulation of scientists and understanding.

ApplicationDeadline: December 10 th, 2021



How to Apply


Students will get an overall stipend of 4 800 EUR for the 3 months (3 installations of 1 600 EUR paid at the start of monthly of stay). This monetary contribution from the FMSH is planned to cover living costs and IFEAC covers travel costs.

Besides, the FMSH and the IFEAC supply assistance for visa and logistical assistance to arrange the stay (possibility to have a work space, letter for the libraries …)

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