Philip Jones Fellowship for International Students at Ephemera Society of America, 2018

TheEphemera Society of America is thrilled to provide its Philip Jones Fellowship for international students. The fellowship is offered to promote the individual and institutional collection, conservation, exhibit, and research study of ephemeral products.

The goal of the fellowship is to add to the cultural life of those who have an interest in our heritage as a country or an individuals, both nationally and worldwide.

TheEphemera Society of America,Inc is a non-profit company formed in 1980 to cultivate and motivate interest in ephemera and the history related to it; to enhance the understanding, gratitude, and pleasure of ephemera by individuals of any ages, backgrounds, and levels of interest.

CourseLevel: Fellowship is offered to promote the individual and institutional collection, conservation, exhibit, and research study of ephemeral products.

StudySubject: Fellowship is granted for the research study of any element of ephemera.

ScholarshipAward: Fellowship will cover the following:

  • The $2,000 stipend can be used to take a trip and/or study expenditures, however can not be utilized to buy ephemera. How the stipend will be utilized; the predicted kind and result of the job and its relationship to ephemera; when and how the result will be shared; and its advantage to enhancing the objectives of the ESA ought to be plainly specified in the application.

Numberof Scholarships: Numberof fellowships is not provided.

Scholarship can be taken in the USA

Eligibility: The following requirements should be satisfied in order for candidates to be qualified for the scholarship:

  • The significance of the job.
  • The job’s relationship to ephemera and the objective of the Ephemera Society of America.
  • How the job will be shown ESA members and the public.
  • Evidenceof the candidate’s capability to distribute the outcomes of the job successfully through academic or other short articles, discussions, exhibits, and so on
  • How the candidate will utilize the stipend.

Nationality: International candidates are qualified to use for the fellowship.

CollegeAdmission Requirement

EntranceRequirements: Applicants should have the capability to distribute the outcomes of the job successfully through academic or other short articles, discussions, exhibits, etc

EnglishLanguage Requirements: Applicants should have exceptional composed and spoken English abilities.

USA Scholarship

How to Apply: Applicants can use through e-mail:

  • Anapplication consists of the following products, in the following order:
  • Contact info.
  • A description of your job.
  • YourInstructions for format applications:
  • Documents ought to remain in 12- point typeface, with page numbers in the lower right-hand corner.
  • The description of the job ought to be double-spaced.
  • Theapplication ought to be sent as a single pdf file of no greater than 4 pages (2 pages for your contact info and the description of your job, and 2 pages for your resume).
  • The file name ought to follow the following identifying convention: Last name and short application title (for example, Smith_Trade_Cards. pdf).
  • A footer with the file name ought to appear in 12- point typeface on each page present resume.

ApplicationDeadline: Theapplication due date is December 1, 2017.


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