Two Research Intern­ships for International Students in Germany Scholarship Positions 2017 2018

Applications are invited for Two Research Intern­ships at Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Deve­lop­ment – Cen­ter for Adap­tive Ratio­na­lity in Germany. Enroll­ment in Psy­cho­logy, Eco­nom­ics or a connected sub ject at a European uni versity is needed. This is a paid internship programme. Interns will get 380€/month remuneration for 3 months. The dead­line for sub­mit­ting applic­a­tions is May 7, 2017.

Field of Internship: Internship is offered in the subjects of: Busi­ness Sci­ence, Eco­nom­ics and Law, Hu­guy it ies and So­ci al Sci­ences and Psy­cho­logy.
Course Level:
Internship Provider:
Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Deve­lop­ment – Cen­ter for Adap­tive Ratio­na­lity
Internship could be taken in

Eligibility: Require­ments

  • Enroll­ment in Psy­cho­logy, Eco­nom­ics or a connected sub ject at a European uni versity
  • High interest in level ti cip at ing in research on judg ment and decision-mak ing
  • High flex ib il ity and commitment
  • Good pro fi ciency in Eng­lish

Desired qual I fic a tions (not all are neces sary to implement)

  • Exper­i ence in con duct ing lit er at ure search
  • Skills in stat ist ics and stat ist ical soft ware pack ages
  • Skills in qual it at ive info ana lysis

Internship Open for International Students: International pupils qualify to use for these internships.

Is this paid internship? Yes, Interns will get 380€/month remuneration.

Internship Description: The cen ter for Adapt­ive Ration­al ity dir ec ted by Ralph Her­twig in the Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Devel­op ment is invest ig at ing vari ous areas of judg ment and decision-mak ing. We are seek ing applic ants for two research intern boats. Research intern boats typ ic friend last 3 months. The anti cip ated beginning date is June 1st, 2017

Number of awards offered: Two research internships can be found.

Internship Duration: Research intern boats typ ic friend last 3 months.

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: Please send your applic a tion elec tron ic ally to using the sub ject line “Applic­a­tion Research Intern­ship 1705”. Your applic a tion should are the fol low ing doc u ments in a single PDF doc u ment: (a) a short motiv a tion let ter, (b) CV, and (c) rel ev ant school/uni versity cer ti fic ates and ref er ences.

Internship Application Deadline: The dead line for sub mit ting applic a tions is May 7, 2017.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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