VITM Museum Research Fellowship for Indian students at India Foundation for the Arts, 2018

TheIndia Foundation for the Arts (IFA) in partnership with the Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum (VITM), Bangalore is thrilled to provide its Museum ResearchFellowship Each fellowship supplies an honorarium of Rs 2,00,000/- for a period of one year.

The objective of the fellowship is to support managers, historians, visual artists, scientists and other imaginative specialists with previous curatorial experience and a strong interest in research and dealing with museum collections.

TheIndia Foundation for the Arts (IFA) is a nationwide, non-profit, the grantmaking organisation that supports the practice, research and education in the arts inIndia Established as a public rely on, IFA is locateded in Bangalore.


  • ApplicationDeadline: December15, 2017.
  • CourseLevel: Fellowship is readily available for managers, historians, visual artists, scientists and other imaginative specialists.
  • StudySubject: Fellowship is granted in the field of arts, science and help with interdisciplinary practices
  • ScholarshipAward: Each fellowship supplies an honorarium of Rs 2,00,000/- for a period of one year. A different spending plan will be offered for the last result (exhibit and outreach activities).
  • Nationality: Indian candidates are qualified to use for the fellowship
  • Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not provided
  • Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibilityfor the Scholarship:

  • EligibleCountries: Indian candidates are qualified to use for the fellowship
  • EntranceRequirements: Applicants should be managers, historians, visual artists, scientists and other imaginative specialists


How to Apply:.

  • Yourapplication should consist of:
  • A quick description of an exhibit and public programs you might establish from the collection at theVITM The description ought to include your vision, method and possible results of the programs. The intent is to offer us a concept of how you want to approach this task.
  • A letter of interest discussing how you would gain from this MuseumFellowship Please recognize elements of your practice that you believe will be developed and additional established throughout the course of the Fellowship.
  • A quick description of a job you have actually been included with as a manager, arts professional or scientist. Please consist of paperwork of the task consisting of 6 to 8 scanned or printed images with titles and dates, DVD (optimum period of 4 minutes), brochures, art work, efficiencies, or evaluations.
  • Your curriculum vitae.
  • Please address your application or any questions by e-mail.


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